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Fourth  Sunday of Lent

March 30,  2025

St. Michael the Archangel Church                                       St. Charles Borromeo Church                                         St. Barbara Church

52 S. 3rd St., PO Box 128                                                   PO Box 6, 223 South Third St.                                       4281 S. Scheller Lane

Radom, Illinois   62876                                                       DuBois, Illinois   62831-0006                                          Scheller, Illinois  62883

Office: 618-485-2265  Fax: 618-485-2272                         Office:  618-787-2781                                                     Tel:  618-279-1322/435-7196

E-Mail: stmichaelradom@frontier.com                               E-Mail: stcharleschurch@wisperhome.com                    E-Mail: dcevandeveer@frontiernet.net

Website: www.stmichaelradom.com                                   Website:  stcharlesdubois.org                                        Website: facebook.com/stbarbarascheller/

                                                                                             Weekend Mass: Saturday 5:00pm

   Weekend Mass: Sunday 10:00am                                    Weekend Mass:  Sunday  8:00am                                   Weekend Mass:  Sunday  9:00am

                                                                                             Sunday - Also Live Streamed  8am

Office Hours:  Tues., Thurs., Fri.  9am-3pm                         Office Hours:  Wed., 4:00-5:00pm

            Administrative Staff                                                            Administrative Staff                                                           Administrative Staff

Father Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D.                                        Father Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D                                       Father Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D. 

(Administrator)                                                                     (Administrator)                                                                   (Administrator)

Jerry Watters, Marvin Winka (Trustees)                               Jack Boczek, Randy Janowski (Trustees)                         Marcia Kabat, Charlie Mass (Trustees)

Carla Chesnek ( PSR Director)                                             Judy Pieszchalski (PSR Director)                                      Tiffany Kluck (PSR Director)

Jackie Herzog ( Music Director)                                            Monica Bochantin (Music Coordinator)                              Walter Wagner, Steve Wagner 

Bernadine Kabat (Hall Rental)                                              Richard Majewski (Hall Rental)                                           (Cemetery)

Marvin Winka/Jerry Watters (Cemetery)                               Jack Boczek (Cemetery)                                                     Christy VanDeveer (Music Director/

Bernadine Kabat (Secretary)                                                 Monica Bochantin ( Secretary)                                             Secretary)

Readings for the Week:  Monday -  Reading:  Is 65:17-21;  Gospel:  Jn 4:43-54;  Tuesday -  Reading:  Ez 47:1-9, 12;   Gospel:  Jn 5:1-16;    Wednesday:   St. Francis of Paola, Hermit:   Reading:  Is 49:8-15;   Gospel:  Jn 5:17-30;   Thursday -   Reading:   Ex 32:7-14;   Gospel: Jn 5:31-47;     Friday: St. Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church:    Reading:  Wis 2:1a, 12-22;  Gospel:  Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30;   Saturday:   St. Vincent Ferrer, Priest:  Reading:  Her 11:18-20;  Gospel:  Jn 7:40-53;      Fifth  Sunday of Lent:   Reading 1:  Is 43:16-21;    Reading 2:  Phil 3:8-14;    Gospel:  Jn 8:1-11

Mass Intentions

Saturday           March 29, 2025          5:00pm Mass              Ted Guinzy                                            Radom

Sunday             March 30, 2025          8:00am Mass              Charles Spotanski                                 DuBois

                                   (Mass also Live Streamed at 8am)  (Celebrant - Fr. Jim Allen)

Sunday              March 30, 2025            9:00am Mass           Stanley E Pyszka                                  Scheller


Sunday               March 30, 2025         10:30am Mass           Jesse Wojtowicz                                   Radom

Monday              March 31, 2025            No Mass

Tuesday             April 1, 2025             8:00am Mass              JoAnn Kania                                           DuBois

 Wednesday      April 2, 2025             9:00am Mass              Daniel Spotanski                                    Scheller

 Wednesday       April 2, 2025             6:00pm                      Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament       Radom

Wednesday         April 2,  2025          6:30pm Mass              Loretta Pedtke                                          Radom

Thursday             April 3, 2025           8:00am Mass              Casimer & Adele Zdrowski                       DuBois

Friday                   April 4, 2025           9:00am Mass             Josephine Rynski                                     Radom

Friday                   April 4, 2025           6:00pm                      Stations of the Cross                                  Radom

Saturday                April 5, 2025          5:00pm Mass             Charles Spotanski                                      DuBois

Sunday                  April 6, 2025           8:00am Mass             Charles Wisneski                                       DuBois

                                                                    (Mass also Live Streamed at 8am)  

Sunday                  April 6,  2025           9:15am Mass              Brenda Jo Kash                                       Scheller


Sunday                  April 6, 2025           10:00am Mass              Sylvester & Dorothy Nadolski                 Radom

                                                                                      (Celebrant)  Msgr. Carl Scherrer)


Liturgical Assistance

St. Charles Borromeo:   Saturday, April 5,  2025 - 5:00pm Mass -  Lector:   Judy Pieszchalski;  Eucharistic Ministers:  Host: Judy Pieszchalski;   Server:  Volunteer;  Offertory Gifts:  Family of Charles Spotanski;    April Ushers:   Don Pieszchalski, Chip Kujawa, Ken Klaybor

Sunday, April 6, 2025 - 8:00am Mass -  Lector: Kathy Conner;  Eucharistic Ministers:  Host:  Christina Zmudzinski;  Cup: Greg Zmudzinski, Juliann Zyk;  Server:  Volunteer;  Offertory Gifts:  Family of Charles Wisneski;  Rosary Leaders:  Susan Zmudzinski, Sarah Kary;  April Ushers:  Jeff Conner, Joe Dalman, Marvin Damazyk

St. Charles Borromeo Contributions:  March 23, 2025 - Adults:  $1,382.00;  Loose:  $235.00;   Easter Flowers: $40.00;   CSMA:  $100.00;  Walter Pelker, Sr. memorial to the Cemetery Fund:  $1,140.00

St. Michael the Archangel:  

Sunday, April 6, 2025 - 10:00am Mass - Lector:  Matt Chesnek;    Eucharistic Ministers:  Host:  Amanda winka;  Cup:  Fred Epplin, Valerie Zgonina;  Server:  Trace & Raven Kirgan, Waylon Wojtowicz, Remington Bauza;  Offertory Gifts:  Family of  Sylvester & Dorothy Nadolski;   Rosary Leader:  Altar & Rosary Sodality;   April  Ushers:  Dennis Barciszewski, Jerome Barczewski, Timothy Barnes, George Bock, Matt Chesnek, Jerome Dreas

St. Michael Contributions:  March 23, 2025 - Adults:  $2,694.00;  Loose:  $302.00;   Youth:  $5.00;  Black & Indian Missions:  $20.00;  Maintenance: $150.00;  CSMA: $897.50;  Easter Flowers:  $25.00

St. Barbara:  Sunday, April 6, 2025 - 9:15am Mass - Lector: Charlie Massie;  Servers:  Brendan & Reese Klingler, Gentry Restoff;  Eucharistic Ministers:  Addison & Olivia Page, John Kabat;   Offertory Gifts:  Family of Brenda Jo Kash;   Ushers:  Doug Kitowski, Jerry Kitowski;    April Rosary Leader:  Christy VanDeveer;  Sunday Collection Counter:  Stacey Klingler & Yvette Peterson

St. Barbara Contributions:  March 23, 2025 - Adults:  $1,760.00;  Loose:  73.00;  Youth:  $15.00;   Cemetery Upkeep: $100.00;  CSMA:  $40.00

Fourth  Sunday of Lent - March 30, 2025

On the plains of Jericho, the Chosen People finally reach a fertile land that can produce food for them to eat.  Paul extols God's goodness, for God reconciled the world through Christ.  In the Gospel story of the prodigal son, the father is so overjoyed at his wayward son's return that he throws a huge feat, serving the choicest food and insisting his son wear the household's finest clothes.  From beginning to end, we can, as we sing in the responsorial psalm, "Taste and see the goodness of the Lord."

The 2025 Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal

Hope in the Lord

"Each year the faithful of our Belleville Diocese are asked to help the works of Christ continue and grow through their support of the Catholic  Service and Ministry Appeal.  By making a gift you are helping build up the Body of Christ in our various ministries and providing help for the poor and vulnerable."  Please consider a gift to the appeal today!                     Bishop Michael McGovern

Reconciliation Schedule

Thursday, April 3 - Nashville - 5:30 PM;      Sunday, April 13 - DuBois - 3 PM;        Sunday, April 13- Radom - 6 PM;         Monday, April 14 - Scheller - 6 PM

St. Charles -    

St. Charles Cemetery is accepting bids for mowing this season.  for more information, call the church office at 618-787-2781, email stcharleschurch@wisperhome.com or call Jack at 618-322-0770.

We will be cleaning up the cemetery to get ready for mowing on Saturday, April 5 starting at 9 AM.  All help would be appreciated.  As a reminder, all flowers, etc. must be removed from the graves prior to April 5.  Anything left on the graves that day will be removed during cleanup.  Flowers and items may remain on the monuments or hanging from "shepherd hooks" as long as they are adjacent to the monument.

Our Appreciation to Pat Pelker and Her Family

As we continue to pray for the happy repose of the soul of Walter Pelker, Sr. be it known to the parishioners of St. Charles Borromeo Church that Pat and her family donated $1,140.00 to St. Charles Cemetery fund in memory of Walter Sr.  Thank you for including the well-being of our parish in your good wishes in honor of Walter Sr.  May God grant eternal rest to his soul, and comfort you with his graces.  Masses will be celebrated for the happy repose of the soul of Walter in due time as requested by his family and friends.    Fr. Oliver Nwahuckwu, Ph.D. 

St. Michael - Winners of the Calendar Raffle for March 30, 2025:  Bernice Winka, Ashley, IL & Richard Nikrant, Nashville, IL.  $100 winner for the month of March: Alexys Spratt, Ashley, IL.

We will have food collection for the Food Pantry in Irvington during Lent.  Boxes are at the entrances to church.  The donated goods will be picked up on April 14th at 8 AM.

Thank you to those who volunteered to clean the church during the month of March.  Those who volunteered to clean the church in the  month of April beginning Sunday, April 6 are:  Jean Kujawa, chairperson; Anita Jurkowski, Bernice Winka, Joyce Hood, Marilyn Watters.

Thank you to all who helped pick up the wreaths and clean up the cemetery.  We had 50 kids and adults.  A big thank you to Bob & Deanne Lamczyk for bringing their pickup and dump trailer to take all of the wreaths.  Dianne Kujawa

Altar & Rosary Sodality Bingo results:  Income - Bingo: $876.00;  Raffle - $3,675.00;  Soda/Water - $103.00;  Lucky Number - $106.00;  50/50 - $658.00;  Pot of Gold - $181.00;  Crafts- $148.00;  Pies/Cakes - $447.00;  Decorated Cakes - $248.00;  Lighting Games - $504.00;  Kitchen - $668.00.  Total Income - $7,795.00.  Total Expenses - $1,187.00;  Net Income - $6,608.00.  Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make the bingo a success.

Church Spring Cleaning - If anyone can come on Tuesday, April 1st at 9 AM for a couple of hours, please call Mary at 618-521-6169.  Otherwise contact your chairperson for another time to clean.  We are trying to get the church cleaned for Confirmation on April 27 and Easter.  Mary

St. Barbara -  

 Our sympathy goes to Eric & Sarah Lamczyk and family.  Eric's father, Elmer Lamczyk, passed away on March 19, 2025.  Please keep the Lamczyk family in your prayers.

The St. Barbara Trivia Night Fundraiser held on March 22 was a success!  Proceeds were:  Team fees: $700.00;  VFW donations: $200.00;  50/50 drawing: $263.00;  Basket Raffle: $847.00;  Total Income - $2,010.00.  We had no expenses since everything was donated.  Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated items,  bought tickets, played trivia and to the Waltonville VFW.  A special "Thank you" goes to Jon & Logan Stanhouse who planned and organized the fundraiser.

Joint Parish/Finance Council meeting, Thursday, April 10 at 6 PM.

Stations of the Cross - Friday,  April 11 at 6 PM at St. Barbara.  The PSR students will lead the Stations on Sunday March 30 and April 6 beginning at 8:40 AM.  There will be no rosary recited on March 30 and April 6.

St. Barbara Rummage Sale, Saturday, April 5 from 7 am - 12 noon (or later)  Volunteers are needed after Mass on Sunday, March 30 to carry items from the garage to the classroom, and also on Friday, April 4 at 4:30 PM to set up the items.  We will be selling coffee, doughnuts, and baked goods at the sale.  Baked goods will be needed - please bring the items wrapped and ready to sell.  Thank you.   Contact Logan Stanhouse at 618-200-1070 if you have any questions.

St. Barbara will be having the annual Easter Egg Hunt after Mass on Easter Sunday.  We need a few volunteers to help organize the age groups.  Please contact Marilyn if you can help.  The Sodality will be donating filled Easter eggs, but extra eggs will be needed if anyone would like to donate.  Thank you

If you would like to schedule a Mass Intention for a Sunday of Wednesday at St. Barbara, please put an envelope in the basket with the date you want and the suggested $10 donation for a Mass, or you may call Christy at 279-1322 or text/call 435-7196.