​​​​​​​​St. Michael's Church

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                                                                                           Fourth Sunday of Advent

                                                                                             December 22,  2024

St. Michael the Archangel Church                                      St. Charles Borromeo Church                                         St. Barbara Church

52 South Third St., PO Box 128                                         PO Box 6, 223 S. Third St.                                             4281 N. Scheller Lane

Radom, Illinois   62876                                                      DuBois, Illinois  62831-0006                                            Scheller, Illinois  62883

Office: 618-485-2265  Fax: 618-485-2272                        Office:  618-787-2781                                                       Tel: 618-279-1322/435-7196

E-Mail:  stmichaelsradom@frontier.com                           E-Mail: stcharleschurch@wisperhome.com                      E-Mail: dcevandeveer@frontier.com

Website:  www.stmichaelradom.com                                Website:  stcharlesdubois.org                                             Website: 


  Weekend Mass:  Saturday 5:00pm                                                                                                                      

  Weekend Mass:  Sunday 10:30am                                  Weekend Mass:  Sunday 8:00am

                                                                                           Sunday-Also Live Streamed 8am                                      Weekend Mass:  Sunday  9:00am


Office Hours:  Tues., Thurs., Fri.  9:00am-3:00pm            Office Hours:  4:00-5:00pm

                 Administrative Staff                                                            Administrative Staff                                                         Administrative Staff

Father Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D. (Administrator)          Father Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D. (Administrator)             Father Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D.


Jerry Watters, Marvin Winka (Trustees)                        Jack Boczek, Randy Janowski (Trustees)                         Marcia Kabat, Charlie Massie (Trustees)

Carla Chesnek (PSR Director)                                      Judy Pieszchalski (PSR Director)                                     Tiffany Kluck (PSR Director)

Jackie Herzog ( Music Director)                                    Monica Bochantin (Music Coordinator)                             Walter Wagner, Steve Wagner (Cemetery

Bernadine Kabat (Hall Rental)                                       Richard Majewski (Hall Rental)                                         Christy VanDeveer (Music Director/

Marvin Winka, Jerry Watters (Cemetery)                       Jack Boczek (Cemetery)                                                                                    Secretary)

Bernadine Kabat (Secretary)                                          Monica Bochantin (Secretary)                                           

Readings for the Week:  Monday   St. John of Kanty:   Reading :  Lk 1:57-66;   Gospel:  Mal 3:1-4, 23-24;    Tuesday:     Reading:  2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16;   Gospel:   Lk 1:67-79;   Tuesday:  The Nativity of the Lord  (Christmas Vigil) ;   Reading 1:   Is 62:1-5;    Reading 2:  Acts 13:16-17, 22-25;  Gospel:  Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25;    Wednesday:  The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Day);   Reading 1:  Is 9:1-6;  Reading 2:  Ti 2:11-14;   Gospel Lk 2:1-14;   Thursday     St. Stephen, The First Martyr:  Reading:  Acts: 6:8-10; 7:54-59;    Gospel:  Mt 10:17-29;;   Friday -  St. John the Apostle:  Reading:  1 Jn 1:1-4;   Gospel:  Jn 20:1a, 2:8;   Saturday  The Holy Innocents, Martyrs:     Reading:  1 Jn 1:5  2:2;  Gospel;    Mt 2:13-18;    The Holy Name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph:     Reading 1:  1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28;   Reading 2:  1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24;  Gospel:  Lk 2:41-52

This Week's Schedule of Events

Saturday                    Dec. 21,  2024               5:00pm Mass                        David Kwiatkowski                                   Radom     


 Sunday                     Dec. 22,  2024                8:00am Mass                      Ted, Francis, Mike Grabowski                 DuBois 

                                                                                                              (Mass also Livestreamed at 8:00 AM)   


 Sunday                     Dec. 22,2024                9:00am Mass                       Clarence Witges                                      Scheller

                                                                                                                          (Celebrant - Fr. William Spencer)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sunday                      Dec. 22,  2024              10:00am Mass                      Ryan Epplin                                             Radom  

Sunday                      Dec. 22, 2024                NO PSR CLASSES

 Monday                      Dec. 23, 2024              No Mass

Tuesday                      Dec. 24,  2024              8:00am Mass                       Madalyn Morris                                          DuBois

Tuesday, Christmas Eve        Dec. 24, 2024        3:30pm Mass                       St. Barbara Parishioners                        Scheller

Tuesday, Christmas Eve         Dec. 24, 2024         5:00pm Mass                      Walter & Florence Chwasczinski             DuBois

Tuesday, Christmas Eve         Dec. 24, 2024         9:00pm Mass                      Bud Schindelar                                        Radom

 Wednesday, Christmas Day   Dec. 25, 2024        8:00am Mass                     St. Charles Parishioners                            DuBois


Wednesday, Christmas Day     Dec. 25 2024      10:00am Mass                      St. Michael Parishioners                           Radom


 Thursday                    Dec. 26, 2024                8:00am Mass                         Henry Bechtoldt, Walter Zyk                      DuBois

 Friday                         Dec. 27 2024                 9:00am Mass                         Theresa Gill                                                 Radom


 Saturday                     Dec. 28,  2024               5:00pm  Mass                     Chris Kujawa                                               Radom


Sunday                         Dec. 29, 2024                8:00am Mass                     Pauline Kania                                              DuBois

                                                             (Mass also Livestreamed at 8 AM)     (Celebrant Unknown at time of Printing)


 Sunday                        Dec. 29, 2024                9:00am Mass                      Walter & Elizabeth Kitowski                         Scheller   

  Sunday                       Dec. 29,  2024             10:30am Mass                       John & Helen Grzegorek/Louis & Lillian Winka    Radom



Liturgical Assistants

St. Charles Borromeo

Christmas Eve, December 24, 2025 -  Lector:  Judy Pieszchalski;    Eucharistic Ministrs:  Host: Christina Zmudzinski;  Cup:  Greg Zmudzinski, Juliann Zyk

Christmas Day, December 25, 2024:  8:00am Mass - Lector:  Kathy Conner;   Eucharistic MinistersHost:  Kathy Conner;  Cup:  Rosalie Kostecki, Rich Majewski

Sunday,  December 29, 2024 -  8:00am Mass - Lector:  Kathy Conner:   Eucharistic Ministers:  Host:   Rick Reidelberger;     Cup:   Becku Wisneski, Christina Zmudzinski;     Server:  Volunteer;    Offertory Gifts:  Family of  Pauline Kania    Rosary Leader:   Rich Majewski;     December 2024 Ushers:   Jeff Conner, Joe Dalman, Marvin Damazyn

St. Charles Borromeo Contributions:    Dec. 15, 2024 - Adults:  $1,553.00;  Loose:  $50.00;  Christmas Flowers:  $43.0.00;  Immaculate Conception:  $93.00;  Retired Religious: $50.00;  Capital Development:  $50.00; Cemetery:  $85.00

St. Michael the Archangel

Christmas Eve, December 24, 2024:  9:00pm Mass - Lector:  Ron McKay;  Eucharistic Ministers:  Host: Bernadine Kabat:   Cup:  Volunteers;   Choir:  Valerie Zgonina;  Servers:  Daniel & Katelyn Ratermann;  Offerotry Gifts:  Family of Bud Schindelar

Christmas Day, December 25, 2024:  10:00am Mass - Lector:  Volunteer;  Eucharistic Ministers:  Host: Fred Epplin;  Cup: Bernice Winka, Debbie Colgrave;  Servers:  Cora & Evelyn Helm;  Offertory Gifts:  M/M Marvin Winka

Saturday, Dec. 28, 2024 - 5:00pm Mass - Lector :  Michelle Ferguson;  Eucharistic Minister:  Host:  Bernadine Kabat;  Servers:  Abby & Allie Cottom;  Offertory Gifts:  Family of  Chris Kujawa;    Rosary Leader:  Paulette Leonard;  December Ushers;  Kevin Setzekorn, Tyler Setzekorn, Mike Tomaszewski, Jerry Watters, Don Wisniewski, Bob Buretta

 Sunday,  December 29, 2024 -  10:30am Mass - Lector:  Stacy Helm;      Eucharistic Ministers:  Host:  Debbie Colgrave;    Cup:  Bernice Winka, Fred Epplin;     Servers:  Cora & Evelyn Helm, Lily Czerniejewski;     Offertory Gifts:   Family of  John & Helen Grzegorek/Louis & Lillian Winka;    Rosary Leader:  Dianne Kujawa;   December 2024 Ushers:   Alex Kujawa, Frank Kujawa, Justin Kujawa, Charles Kujawa, Stephen Kula, Jacob Kula

St. Michael the Archangel Contributions - Dec. 15, 2024 -  Adults:  $2,935.00;  Loose:  $322.00;   Immaculate Conception:  $185.00;  Religious Retirement:  $68.00; Maintenance:  $225.00; Cemetery:  $25.00;  Christmas Flowers:  $105.00

St. Barbara

Christmas Eve, December 24, 2024:  3:30pm Mass - Lectors:  Reese Klingler & Lilly Winka;  Servers:  Logan & Morgan Winka, Steve Bunk;   OffertoryGifts:  PSR Students:  Eucharistic Ministers:  Doug Kitowski, Susie Doty, John Kabat;  Ushers:  Gage Peterson & Brendan Klingler

 Sunday,  December 29.  2024 -9:00a.m. Mass - Lector:  Danny Czerwinski;      Eucharistic Ministers:  Doug Kitowski, Monica Witter, Tricia Higgins;    Servers;  Brendan & Reese Klingler, Eva Emery    Offertory Gifts:    Family of  Walter & Elizabeth Kitowski;       Rosary Leader:  Frannie Pyszka;   Sunday Collection Counters;   Stacey Klingler & Yvette  Peterson;     Ushers:  Kevin & Matt Tader

St. Barbara Contributions:  Dec.15, 2024 - Adults:  $2,332.00;  Loose:  $306.00;  Youth:  $18.05;   Christmas Offering:  $25.00;  Christmas Flowers:  $20.00; Retirement for the Religious:  $40.00

MERRY CHRISTMAS - To you our parishioners, friends, well-wishers and other God's faithful who worship with us at Sts. Charles Borromeo, Michael the Archangel and Barbara churches, I say:  may the grace of God the Father of all and the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, descent upon you as you celebrate the birthday of our Savior and remain with you in the many years ahead.  Christmas, the grace of divine celebrations promised to our ancestors in faith, and prophesied by the prophets, is the joy we celebrate in thanksgiving to God who took to our human nature in the person of his Son for our redemption.  This was the consolation the Israelites of old waited for that has come to us as Light to the Gentiles and joy to the people who walked in darkness (Luke2:32).  God in his love and kindness is leading us back to our original state by  making us his adopted children through his Son.  Oh, house of David, from you is fulfilled the promise that the Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son.  He shall be call Emmanuel (God-is-with-us) (Is 7:14, Matt 1:23).  We rejoice in God who never abandons his children whatever the situation.  We adore and worship him because he is in our midst to guard, protect and comfort us.  "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you.  Learn from me gentle and humble in heart, and our souls will find rest" (Matt 12:28ff). Let's therefore, open our hearts to him who stands at the threshold knocking to enter and make a dwelling with us amid joys and anguish, success and failure, sickness and disappointments, death and strife,  hunger and thirst, isolation and frustration (Rev 3:20).  Christ is the Emmanuel of our life, ever-present with his message of hope and comfort for the people, purchased by his Blood (Rom8:38-39).  May the comforting message of Christ's birth dispel whatever flickering faith that might be found in us with the peace and of unflinching hope for a better year of 2025.  God bless you!                  Fr. Oliver Nwachukwu, Ph.D. 

The 2024 Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal

Serve the Lord with Gladness - Psalm 100

The true joy of Christmas is in the everlasting love of Christ.  May you find His peace, love and joy now and in the coming new year.  With deepest gratitude for your prayers and generosity.    Bishop Michael McGovern and Ministries and Programs Funded by The Catholic Service and Ministry Appeal.

Fourth  Sunday of Advent - December 22, 2024

God's ways are not our ways.  Today's readings point to the unlikely sources for the blessed vent we are about to celebrate.  Christ will be born in Bethlehem, a town unnoticed and forgotten.  The Son of God will be born to Mary, a seemingly insignificant teenage girl.  John the Baptist will be born of Elizabeth, a woman supposedly past childbearing age.  As we listen to the word of God, w are reminded to God's tendency to do the unexpected.

Diocesan Christmas Collection - Dec. 24-25 - The Annual  Diocesan Christmas Collection will be taken up at all Masses on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.  Parishes and agencies throughout the diocese will request monies from this collection during 2025 t o assist those who are in need with food, clothing, shelter, utility payments, healthcare and medications, funeral and burial expenses, transportation and emergency assistance of all types.  Please consider giving as you are able;  thank you so much.   Bishop Michael McGovern

St. Charles

We are in need of items for the silent and live auctions from anyone in our three parishes during our Snowball Dance.  Please contact Hannah Zyk at 618-417-2504.  Our event on January 18 is to benefit the priestly education of Kyle Kellerman, a local young man.  Tickets are now available for $25 at the F & M Bank, DuBois and the KC Hall till January 10.  Flyers are also available in the back of the church.  Please take one or more and spread the word!

Church decoration for Christmas is Sunday, Dec. 22.  after Mass.  All help would be appreciated.

St. Michael         

St. Michael's Calendar winners for  Dec. 22, 2024:  Lori Rosancki, Radom, IL & Gracie Winka, Longmont, CO

St. Michael's is having the $13,000 Giveaway Raffle again this year.  Flyers and extra order forms are also at the entrances to the Church.  Please take the flyers to help advertise our event and the order forms to sell tickets to your friends, family, co-workers and business associates.  We will draw 5 Early Bird tickets on February11, 2025 for a free raffle ticket or $50.00 (winners choice).  These winning tickets will be re-entered for the Feb. 23, 2025 drawing.  Thank you for helping to make this coming event a successful fundraiser.    The first Early Bird winners on Dec. 17 were:  Jeff Zmudzinski, Tamaroa, IL, Devin Perjak, Waterford, MI, Norbert Ryterski, Pinckneyville, IL.  

Calendar Raffle Tickets for 2025 are also available at the entrances to the church.  Tickets are $20.00 and are good for the entire year.

Decorating of the church for Christmas will be this Sunday, Dec. 22 after Mass.    Thank you for any help you can give.

St. Barbara

Sunday, Dec. 22 - Decorate the church for Christmas.  Everyone is invited to stay after Mass and help.    

An anonymous person has offered to give St. Barbara parish $1,000 if we meet the remaining $2,800 CSMA goal by December 29.  There will be a second collection on Sunday for the CSMA.

Reconciliation at S. Barbara - Monday, Dec. 23, 2024 at 6 PM.

PSR News:  The PSR students have been busy preparing for the Christmas program.  The Christmas Eve Mass will be at 3:30pm.  the students will be lectors, ushers, and gift bearers at the Mass.  

If you would like to schedule a Mass intention for a Sunday or Wednesday at St. Barbara, please put an envelope in the basket with the date you want and the suggested $10 donation for  Mass, or you  may call Christy at 279-1322 or text/call 435-7196.

Rest  -  Pancake, Sausage and Scrambled Eggs Breakfast -   Sunday, Jan. 5, 2025 at the KC Hall, DuBois from 7 AM - 12 Noon.  $12 for adults and $5 for children 10 and under.  Proceeds go to the KC Scholarship Fund.